Years back, 9th Jan was one such day, that I would never wanted to recall..possibly one of the worst nightmares I had.
But believe me, if you have gone through the lines.. "A smooth sea has never made a skilled sailor" that's so true!
If you have never faced difficulties, you will never unfold the mystery of happiness.
The morning comes with a surprise and may be not all mornings are good enough to start! But it's you and always you, that have to choose!
Will you allow yourself to fall apart? Or rather you will close your eyes, take a deep breath and decide to stand on.. Stand tall with all your beliefs.
There will be times, that will try to break your trust, shatter your dream and demolish your life, but believe me dear... Life is always beautiful.
Just hold on... Never trust a negative vibe..and stay away from the negetivity. Keep breathing and the Storm will pass by.. And you will always have a brighter sunshine.
And if this does not happen, then it's not the end, forgive yourself.. Forgive the lie.. Forgive the universe and write your own book.. And start living the best day of yours!
I just wanted to say, always there will be people who would try to ruin your life by the ill mentality and the negative vibes they carry, but never let them win!
I had faced one such day on 9th Jan and it might took few hours to recover... But yeah! I can proudly say that... I won!
It's important what you opt for!
I discussed... I analyzed... Realized and summarized..that let Love win!
Let trust win and let the bad day be forgiven and forgotten!!! Let's spread love and more love!
Let's welcome the 10th Jan just like the way I welcomed my 8th Jan!
After all you have to forgive the lie, if you have mistaken mirage as water!
Love. Live. Laugh.