Wednesday, 19 September 2018

Capturing emotion

Art of any form, excites me! Like truly it does.. And always!
Growing up with my brother Saswat, who has a great taste in painting (and he does quite well), clicking stuffs.. Clicking human emotions and writing poems.. To marrying someone who has the same taste in arts is just happenstance!
Observing and learning how to what to click.. Slowly I understand.. How photography is tough.. Like.. much patience you need to have to capture stuffs like.. a butterfly or a bird.. And equally how much skill you need to capture a human emotion.. Like.. Certain things happen for once.. They won't be repeated.. May be once in a lifetime..or so..!!
I truly appreciate the photographers for having a vision.. Having a creativity and having dedication for the work!
This is one such pic, recently taken at state art gallery, Hyderabad on the occasion of #indianphotographyfestival and I so love this pic. ❤️
Keep clicking. Keep sharing. 🌼
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Happy New Year!

Returning to this space and specifically to this particular blog page is a perfect example of procrastination which I can corelate to Anshi...